~Author Spotlight~ Micayla Lally

The Spotlight is on Micayla Lally today!

Micayla released her first novel, “A Work of Art” this spring.

I’m really happy to be able to share a bit about Micayla and her writing with you today!


What would you like your readers to know about you?

I’m a big fan of supporting local – local music, local authors and of course, local businesses. My fave weekend activities include checking out the local antique store, a cup of tea (ho-cho for my boys) in the café next door, a book event for a local author and then local music at the cool basement venue across town.


What inspires you to write?

I don’t want to say I’m a creepy people watcher, but I do have ideas pop into my head when I see people, whether people in my office or walking past on the sidewalk (I work opposite a busy bar/café), or when I’m just out and about.


Is there a genre you feel drawn to write or do you see yourself tackling a variety of genres in the future?

I’m drawn to relationships, and the issues people face as part of those relationships. Recently, I’ve discovered some of my characters have more pressing concerns like care-giving and depression, but romantic relationships are the underlying theme for me.


Can you describe your writing space?

I’m a mother of 3 boys, so until recently, my workspace was the kitchen bench with all the madness that entails, spread out around me. Now I’ve commandeered one of our spare bedrooms and it’s termed as “Mom’s HQ” because I do sewing and ironing in there, too.


Can you tell us a bit about your writing process?

I always liked to write long-hand, but when I got serious about my writing, I chucked it in favour of speed-typing to get in as many words as I could before making dinner. I write notes so I don’t lose them because I never ever remember them later, and if I get a bit stuck, I re-read something juicy, or just start a few chapters back to help me find the thread. I usually have an idea of the end game when I start, or mid-game at least, so I just have to figure out how to get there.


What is your go to snack when writing?

I’m trying to cut down on snacks. We don’t keep many of them in the house, but potato chips are my weakness.


Are any of your books or characters based on personal experiences or people in your life?

Off hand I would say ‘no way’, but when rereading something I’ve finished, I realize I have experienced one or two things that my characters go through.


Do you have a favorite character or book you have written?

I really like most of the characters I’ve written, even though they all do dumb things to some degree, some more than others, of course. I seem to like the love interests more than my main characters. Is that weird?


Any hints as to what readers can expect next?

I have a manuscript that I’m sending to agents, about a guy in a small town whose new girlfriend has a jealous ex. The main character is stand up guy and deserves a happy ending but I put him through the wringer. I hope I can find a home for him soon. A movie guy at a writer’s conference last year told me it sounded like a mini-series, but I’ll have to wait and see.


When not writing your own books, who do you like to read?

I’m a fan of Stephen King and Joe Hill, whose genre is pretty much as far from romance/chick-lit as you can get. I also love Tana French, John Connolly and the occasional Kendall Ryan.


Share a random fact or two that readers don’t know about you.

I’m an aussie, my husband is Irish, my Dad is Dutch and has a (really really really) distant bloodline to the Belgium throne.


Celebrity Crush? Adam Driver

Favorite Beverage? Tea

Sweet or Savory for snacks? Sweet!

What type of music do you listen to? Rock and or Roll

Favorite tv show? Vikings

Do you have any pets? We have 11 chickens and just found out one of them had been sneakily nesting. We now have 11 fluffy baby chicks running around as well

Biggest pet peeve? Whining kids/other people’s whining kids

Morning or Night person? Night

Hobbies? Sewing, Reading, Gardening


About A Work of Art: A Novel 


Letting go after her abrupt break-up with Samson is harder than Julene thought it would be, especially since her ex has wasted no time in burying himself in the local dating scene. But during an extended visit to her parents overseas, Julene rediscovers her love of art, and a burgeoning career develops. Samson, on the other hand, after trying valiantly—and unsuccessfully—to forget Julene, has settled instead on his own new career. 

When Julene returns home to Australia, a coincidental meeting leads to an emotional reunion—but her love and patience will be tested when she finds out just how busy Samson has been in her absence. Yes, they have both made mistakes they can work through and move past—but when a specter from Samson’s past looms, Julene wonders: Can she trust him again?


Buy Link:  https://www.amazon.com/Work-Art-Novel-Micayla-Lally/dp/1631521683




About Micayla Lally


Micayla Lally writes romantic fiction, including romantic suspense and chick-lit. Is she an authority on the subject? Is anyone? But she does have some interesting things to contribute as her articles on PopSugar (I Proposed to My Now-Husband on Our First Date) and Your Tango (My Husband And I Have Been Married Three Times) illustrate. She’s also published articles about writing to coincide with the release of her debut novel A Work Of Art, on May 2, 2017, at We Heart Writing and Women Writers Women’s Books. Micayla has had a personal blog for the past four years and enjoys writing about her experiences as a parent and as a drinker of wine. She lives in the Pacific North West (USA), has a husband and three boys and a big backyard to drink wine in.


Connect with Micayla at www.micaylalally.net  on www.facebook.com/MicaylaLallyAuthor, on twitter @MJLALLY2nd and follow her shenanigans on www.Instagram.com/MicaylaLallyAuthor


Micayla, thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and chat with me!

It’s always fun to get to spotlight a brand new authors!

Readers, make sure you drop by and visit Micayla at her social media sites to learn more about A Work of Art as well as her upcoming releases.

Have questions for Micayla Lally? Leave a comment and I’ll make sure she sees it!




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